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Best Yoga Asanas and Pranayama to Strengthen Lungs Against HMPV

Best Yoga Asanas and Pranayama to Strengthen Lungs Against HMPV-Mobile- Desktop View
Best Yoga Asanas and Pranayama to Strengthen Lungs Against HMPV- Mobile View

Understanding HMPV on Respiratory Health

In today's era, due to pollution and unhealthy lifestyle habits, people of all ages, from children to the elderly, are troubled by respiratory issues. Similar to the coronavirus, the human metapneumovirus is now rapidly spreading. This directly affects the lungs and the breathing process. This virus attacks the lungs, which can weaken them or even prove to be fatal. Our body relies on both lungs for breathing, so healthy and strong lungs are crucial for our survival.

It is through the lungs that oxygen is filtered and reaches other parts of the body. Our body has two lungs in total, and each lung consists of 24 bones, with 12 on the left side and 12 on the right side.

Unhealthy lungs cause difficulty in breathing and lead to numerous diseases, such as asthma, tuberculosis (TB), pneumonia, etc. People suffering from these diseases are often sick or may lose their lives.

So, let us understand through this article what Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is and how we can protect the lungs in our body from this virus.

Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) and Its Impact on Breathing

Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a common respiratory virus. It is a dynamic breathing-related virus that affects the lungs and creates problems in the breathing process. This virus is most prevalent during the winter season because the environment is more polluted during winters. In this season, people often suffer from issues like cough and cold. For those already suffering from cough, cold, and breathing difficulties, this virus can become a serious threat.

Symptoms of HMPV

Symptoms of this virus include cough, fever, throat irritation and soreness, a runny or blocked nose, and pneumonia. This virus can easily spread from one person to another. It can affect individuals of any age, especially those with weak immunity or issues like dust allergies. Small children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to this virus.

Prevention and Protection

To protect against this virus, it is crucial to ensure the proper supply of oxygen in the body. The lungs play a vital role in distributing oxygen throughout the body. If there is a lack of oxygen, this virus can easily enter the body.

The Growing Concern of Respiratory Issues

Every year, due to air pollution, irregular routines, and poor eating habits, the number of patients suffering from respiratory issues and lung diseases is increasing. Despite expensive medicines and treatments, results are often not satisfactory.

Yoga for Lung Health

The easiest and most natural way to keep the lungs healthy is through yoga. Every yoga pose involves a proper breathing technique, which strengthens the lungs. If yoga is practiced regularly in the correct way to strengthen the lungs, it can significantly improve breathing habits and increase oxygen levels in the body.

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama for Strengthening the Lungs

The lungs purify the blood in our body. Regular yoga practice strengthens the lungs and improves their functioning. Yoga enhances the capacity of the lungs to expand and contract. The main benefit of this process is that oxygen-filled air enters the lungs properly, improving blood circulation. To strengthen the lungs, consistent practice of yoga postures and breathing exercises such as deep breathing, counting breaths, and diaphragmatic breathing is essential. These are also known as breathing exercises, which help the lungs receive adequate oxygen.


The word "Pranayama" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "Prana" (life force or breath energy) and "Ayama" (to extend or expand). Simply put, Pranayama involves enhancing breathing power through yoga. It is a natural practice in yoga where the process of breathing is controlled. Among the eight limbs of yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi), Pranayama plays a significant role. Practicing Pranayama increases life force energy in the body. It detoxifies the body, strengthens the respiratory muscles, and improves lung capacity.

Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati Pranayama are particularly effective in strengthening the lungs.

1. Anulom Vilom

Anulom Vilom is a breathing exercise involving two techniques. "Anulom" means straight, and "Vilom" means reverse. This practice is performed using the nostrils. One nostril is closed with the thumb while breathing in through the other nostril. Then, the closed nostril is opened to exhale the breath.

Benefits: This beneficial Pranayama enhances lung capacity, eliminates respiratory issues, promotes a surge of energy in the body, and fosters positive thoughts.

2. Kapalbhati

Kapalbhati is one of the six Shatkarmas (cleansing techniques) and is considered the most effective. It can be performed effortlessly. Kapalbhati detoxifies the body, regulates blood circulation, and purifies the nerves, making the lungs stronger.

3. Matsyasana

In English, Matsyasana is known as the Fish Pose. During this asana, the body resembles the shape of a fish. Matsyasana is particularly beneficial for people with lung and throat-related issues. Regular practice of this asana helps cure respiratory diseases and strengthens the lungs.

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This asana helps to open the chest and increases the lung capacity, which aids in taking deep breaths. While performing the asana, the shape of the body resembles a serpent with its hood raised, hence the name Bhujangasana, as "Bhujang" means serpent. This asana also improves blood circulation in the body and strengthens the lungs.

5. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This asana is effective for improving breathing. Regular practice of this asana helps clear mucus from the respiratory system and strengthens the lungs and heart.

6. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

In this asana, the body bends backward, helping to open and widen the chest. It provides relief to the respiratory tract and muscles, aiding in deep breathing. The blood circulation improves, and the lungs are strengthened.

7. Makrasana (Crocodile Pose)

This asana gets its name because the body resembles a crocodile during the practice. It is beneficial for asthma patients and enhances lung capacity.

8. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

This asana helps to rejuvenate all the body parts and is particularly beneficial for the respiratory system. It purifies the veins and reduces heart-related issues. Blood and oxygen flow improves during the practice of this asana.

9. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

This asana stretches the chest and lungs, improving blood circulation and strengthening the lungs. It is performed by bending the back in a bridge-like shape.

10. Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose)

This asana helps in opening the lungs and improving deep breathing capacity. It is also beneficial for overall body health.

Things to Keep in Mind

• Always practice asanas on an empty stomach.

• Follow a healthy diet and stay in a clean environment.

• Make it a habit to walk for 30 minutes every day and climb and descend stairs.

• Quit smoking, tobacco, cigarettes, alcohol, and soft drinks.

• Before practicing yoga asanas, always consult a yoga expert and a doctor.

By practicing natural exercise/yoga, you can protect your lungs from viral infections. Once you experience the benefits of yoga, share it with your family and friends so that others can also take care of their health and protect themselves from the growing viral infections.

Prerna Budakoti

Updated on 16th January 2025

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