

At YogKulam, we are more than just a yoga teacher training institution. Our vision is to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing Bharat today: the loss of life's wisdom due to the influence of darkness (Asat) in the form of misguided ideologies, and hence the need to restore the values of Indian Sanatana Dharma in a way that is both progressive and meaningful. And we cannot do this alone. To bring this vision to life, we need your help. Please consider making a donation today. Your support is the lifeblood of our mission.

Kautilya Once said

"Dharmasya Mulam Artham"—the foundation of Dharma is wealth.

Our Projects

We have three big mission to make our vision a reality: keeping people healthy and happy (Swastha Bharat), helping minds grow and stay clear (Smaridha Bharat), and saving old wisdom (Vaidik Bharat).


At Yogkulam, we have a dream to set up Gurukuls that will bring back the timeless wisdom and values of our ancient traditions, while also teaching skills needed for today’s world. These Gurukuls will be places where students can learn about spirituality and our rich cultural heritage, along with modern education, to become thoughtful and compassionate leaders. To make this vision come true, we need your help. Your support and donations will go a long way in building these Gurukuls, providing the necessary resources, and shaping a better future. Join us in this important mission by contributing to Vaidik Bharat. Every bit helps!

Offline Donation

We accept offline donations in three different ways:

Recorded Lectures


You can support Yogkulam's mission by donating via cheque. All contributions are tax-deductible under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

Recorded Lectures


You can also make regular monthly contributions in cash to support various Yogkulam projects. Your cash donations will go a long way in helping us achieve our goals.

Recorded Lectures

Demand Draft:

Donations can also be made through a Demand Draft. This method allows you to contribute to Yogkulam’s projects without using cash.

Frequently Asked Questions

Donation AnswerYour donation will directly support our mission to establish 100 Gurukuls, which aim to preserve and teach the timeless values of Eternal Dharma while equipping students with modern education. By contributing, you help nurture the next generation of leaders who will carry forward our rich cultural heritage and make a positive impact on society.

All donations will be used to fund the establishment and maintenance of Gurukuls, including land acquisition, building infrastructure, hiring qualified teachers, and providing educational materials. Every contribution goes toward creating a sustainable and enriching learning environment for students.

Yes, all donations made to Yogkulam are tax-deductible under applicable laws. Upon making a donation, you will receive a receipt that you can use for tax deduction purposes.

Yes, we offer the option to set up monthly recurring donations. This helps provide continuous support for our projects and ensures the sustained operation and growth of our Gurukuls. You can choose the amount and frequency that suits you best.

We are committed to transparency and will provide regular updates on the progress of our projects, including the development of the Gurukuls, student success stories, and other impactful initiatives. You will be able to see the positive change your contribution is making in real-time.

We accept offline donations in three different ways:-1.Cheque 2.Cash 3.Demand Draft
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