Best Yoga Exercises for Senior Citizens: Top Asanas and Pranayama for Health & Wellness
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Yoga for Old Age
Yoga is a natural remedy that is connected to human physical and mental activities as well as spiritual processes. Yoga attains the form of samadhi by controlling the senses. Through continuous study, practice, and discipline, a person can master the qualities of yoga in their life. By adopting yoga, an individual attains blissful happiness. Yoga is not dependent on a person's age or gender; rather, what type of yoga asana should be performed at what age, in what manner, and for how long, is what truly matters. Children, youth, and senior citizens adopt yoga to lead a healthy life. Just as yoga asanas are selected based on the physical condition of children, similarly, asanas are carefully chosen for old age. The asanas practiced for physical development are not necessarily the same as those performed for relaxation of the body and mind.
Keeping all these aspects in mind, in this article, we will study the role of yoga in old age and which safe asanas should be performed.
Old age is known by many names such as senior citizenship, elderly stage, and aging, in which a person’s age exceeds the average lifespan. Old age is a stage of life where a person envisions comfort, peace, and relaxation for their body. A person above 60 years of age is considered a senior citizen or elderly. In old age, individuals often find themselves incapable and unfit to perform certain tasks compared to their childhood and adolescent years. In such times, they require support. However, if they maintain their physical and mental health, their spiritual and emotional strength also remains strong.
Yoga keeps you fit and strong,
A healthy body all life long.
Embrace it at every stage,
Stay disease-free, wise, and sage.
In old age, even when a person has everything, due to a decline in physical and mental abilities, they often feel lonely. Old age is not a weak stage; rather, it is a phase of life where a person has gained experience from every task. At this stage, they focus on giving their body rest, experiencing happiness, and gathering their life’s experiences as a legacy. Performing any task does not require a specific age but rather physical capability and the calling of the mind (interest).
Old age is a stage where a person has complete experience in every aspect of life and can make decisions and execute them with proper thought, understanding, and wisdom. In old age, a person should remain cautious about their health because a healthy and fit body is like a valuable treasure.
The best means to achieve good health is yoga, as it is a combination of competition, recreation, and exercise. By including it in their daily routine, a person becomes a yoga practitioner and yoga enthusiast. In old age, several diseases commonly develop, such as obesity, asthma, diabetes, breathing difficulties, weak digestive system, cataracts, blurred vision, joint and bone pain, insomnia, anxiety, and many other ailments.
Therefore, to avoid expensive medicines, treatments, and excessive physical exertion, yoga should be given priority in daily life. One should practice yoga at least once or preferably twice a day. Yoga helps calm the mind, keep the body fit, relieve stress, and awaken positive energy.
Top Asanas and Pranayama for Senior Citizens
It is not necessary to practice heavy and strenuous asanas in old age to stay fit. There are some simple asanas that, when studied and practiced, can help keep the body disease-free. These asanas can be performed at home at a convenient time while sitting in a comfortable posture. The only requirement is to focus attention on yoga, which will yield excellent results. Practicing yoga enhances physical purity and beauty. Yoga, which aids in spiritual growth, reduces mental stress and strengthens moral values. It also provides flexibility and relaxation to the body.
The helpful yoga asanas for old age are as follows:
1. Kapalbhati Asana
Kapalbhati is the most superior and effective technique among the six Shatkarmas of yoga. It can be performed in a very simple manner. Practicing this asana daily helps eliminate numerous diseases, from the brain to the soles of the feet, both internally and externally. This asana helps maintain body weight stability. Kapalbhati detoxifies the body, cures constipation, gas, and digestive disorders, and regulates blood circulation. It purifies the nerves and strengthens the lungs. This asana removes fatigue from the body, keeping it energetic at all times. It is especially beneficial for individuals suffering from diabetes and asthma.
(This asana is strictly prohibited for individuals suffering from heart diseases, spinal cord issues, or those who have undergone abdominal surgery.)
2. Surya Bhedan Pranayama

It is also known as Surya Nadi Pradhan because it is associated with the right nostril. This asana demonstrates the correct process of inhaling and exhaling. It helps in curing blood pressure issues and provides relief from digestive problems like constipation, intestinal worms, and gas. It also helps in reducing stress and generates positive thoughts. Other ailments such as cough, cold, piles, asthma, sinusitis, and nasal congestion can be cured with this asana. It supplies pure oxygen to the body and strengthens the muscles.
3. Uttanpadasana

This asana is an essential part of a yogic lifestyle and consists of two words: "Uttan," meaning raised, and "Pada," meaning legs. During this asana, the legs are lifted upward. It provides peace to the body, mind, and soul while also helping to strengthen, make flexible, and shape the body. Regular practice of this asana helps in curing issues like diabetes, indigestion, and thyroid disorders. It is also highly beneficial for the muscles of the chest, waist, and neck.
4. Bhujangasana

Derived from the Sanskrit word "Bhujang," meaning snake, this asana makes the body resemble a snake with its hood raised. In English, it is called the Cobra Pose. This asana is considered very effective for digestion, the liver, and the kidneys. It stretches the legs, strengthening the leg muscles and bones. It also helps reduce belly fat and benefits the palms, shoulders, and eyes.
5. Balasana

This asana is known as Child’s Pose in English. While performing this asana, the entire body's posture resembles that of a small child lying down. In other words, during the practice of this asana, the body's posture appears similar to the position of prostration. This asana provides many benefits to the body. It restores lost energy and makes the body feel refreshed.
6. Pawanmuktasana

The meaning of this asana is to release air. Performing this asana helps relieve gas and acidity in the stomach. It is highly beneficial for resolving digestive issues.
7. Vajrasana

This asana is performed while sitting on the knees. It helps in improving blood circulation and enhancing digestion. This asana also aids in concentration and eliminates acidity issues.
8. Yoga Nidra

Keeping the body in a relaxed posture is called Yoga Nidra. In this state, the body remains in a sleep-like condition. Simply put, it is the state between being asleep and awake. A person who remains highly disturbed or is never satisfied with what they have tends to develop negative thoughts, leading to mental and psychological stress. The best and easiest remedy for this issue is Yoga Nidra. Practicing this asana reduces stress and relaxes the mind. It enhances productivity, reduces anxiety, and improves memory retention.
9. Simhasana

This asana, which resembles the face of a lion, is known as Simhasana. It helps in relieving respiratory problems, keeping the eyes, neck, and mouth healthy, and eliminating infections in the throat. It also provides flexibility to the muscles of the lower back, spine, shoulders, and arms.
10. Sukhasana

The meaning of this asana is to sit in a posture of happiness, joy, or comfort. It is a seated posture in which one simply sits cross-legged with an upright spine in a calm position. Practicing this asana provides inner mental peace, reduces stress, and enhances energy. It also activates blood circulation in the body.
11. Butterfly Pose (Titali Asana)

This asana is also known as Butterfly Yoga Pose. It is performed in a seated position using the legs. Practicing this asana provides both physical and mental peace, making the body feel refreshed. People suffering from back pain and pain in the arms and legs can easily perform this asana. It is suitable for people of all age groups.
12. Chakki Chalanasana (Churning the Mill Pose)

As the name suggests, this asana resembles the motion of churning a mill. It is performed in a relaxed sitting posture while taking deep breaths. This asana helps in maintaining the overall balance of the body and strengthens the abdominal muscles. Regular practice of this asana can also help eliminate breathing difficulties. It is a traditional exercise inspired by the movement used in grinding grains in households in the past.
Important Things to Keep in Mind in Old Age:
All the asanas mentioned above can be performed while sitting, lying down, standing, with or without support. Practicing these asanas reduces stress and prevents negative thoughts from entering the mind. When a person has positive energy, they understand the true essence of life and develop a stronger will to live.
Whether you are practicing yoga for the first time or have been doing it for a while, it is important to perform asanas in old age that do not put excessive strain on the body or pose any risk of injury.
Yoga is about maintaining overall health and well-being. It does not necessarily mean performing difficult postures that require excessive bending or twisting of the body. With proper focus and without causing discomfort to the body, one can perform asanas effectively. This article discusses asanas that can be practiced easily and offer numerous health benefits.
Important Things to Keep in Mind in Old Age:
- - To stay healthy, it is essential to maintain a proper diet along with daily yoga practice.
- - In case of serious health issues, consulting a doctor for check-ups and advice is necessary.
- - The habit of smoking should be completely avoided.
- - At least 8 to 12 glasses of water should be consumed daily to keep the body hydrated.
- - Spicy, oily, excessively sour, and sweet foods should be avoided.
- - It is important to maintain a proper sleep schedule by sleeping and waking up on time.
- - If suffering from any serious health condition, consult a yoga expert before practicing yoga and perform yoga under the supervision of trained instructors.
- - Sit and stand in a comfortable position and choose clothing according to your body’s condition.
- - If, due to any reason, you are unable to practice yoga, stay active by walking regularly.
- - Pay attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness from time to time.
- - Love and care for the environment and try to spend some time in green, natural surroundings.
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